Time to square off

Martin HawverThis may be the week of tax fights, when both the folks who carefully hang up their cashmere sport coats and those who toss their wool or maybe even polyester-blend jackets square off.

On the polyester side, we have those who just can’t believe that some 330,000 Kansans aren’t paying any state income tax on the profits from their Limited Liability Corporations and such. On the cashmere side, we have Kansans who have a zero-dollar tax bill and wonder why the jean jacket crowd won’t consume more groceries and send their clothes to the dry cleaners to increase the state’s take from sales taxes—paying the consumption taxes that Gov. Sam Brownback wants to use to balance the budget.

But the real issue comes down to just which legislators want to return to the Statehouse and the free drinks and meals that lawmakers enjoy after this fall’s elections.

Let’s see how this tracks.