Welcome to Hawver News Company!

We publish Hawver’s Capitol Report, the respected, nonpartisan news service reporting the politics & government of Kansas since 1993.

What we do

Via e-mail, we send:

 Hawver’s Capitol Report Flash, usually a daily round-up during the week but some days multiple times and sometimes on weekends (and if there’s no significant news, we won’t bother you with “click-bait”).

 Hawver’s Capitol Report Bulletin, breaking news.

 Hawver’s Capitol Report Newsletter, weekly during the legislative session & varies rest of year.

Additionally, we publish the popular Annual Hawver Kansas Legislative Guide sent via snail- mail in January.

What exactly is Hawver’s Capitol Report?

Created by two former daily newspaper reporters in 1993, Hawver’s Capitol Report has developed into the “hometown paper of the Kansas Statehouse community,” featuring concise reporting for the busy reader but also reporting that is insightful from the dean of the Kansas Statehouse press corps who has been covering the beat since 1977—plus “hometown news” such as marriages, births, deaths—even where to get a good bite to eat near the Statehouse.

How we do it

As many newspapers learned to their detriment that giving away content doesn’t pay the bills, we have always been a subscription-based news service. We also sell advertising for our e-mailed and snail-mailed publications. We give a free, one-month, no-obligation (no credit card required) trial subscription for those wanting to kick the tires.
Who subscribes?

Kansas legislators, Kansas congressmen, statewide elected officials, state agencies, educators, lobbyists, association directors, lawyers & judges, business & labor leaders, political activists, political groupies—anyone affected by the actions of Kansas politics & government.

One more thing

Please browse through our website to learn more about subscribing, about our history, about what subscribers say, etc. BUT A WARNING: We are in the midst of updating this website; it contains some very old information. Sections will be re-written—and photographs added—on an ongoing basis during this construction process. No hardhats required.

Thank you for visiting!